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The Skint Film Company, founded in 2019, is the film production vehicle of filmmaker Ryan J. Smith. 


Skint was formed to handle all aspects of production and delivers high quality films for theatrical and streaming distribution. Our recent productions TALKING TO GHOSTS and LOTTERY are available on Apple TV, Amazon Prime, Tubi, Plex and more - positioning us to undertake more commercial projects with bigger studio and financing partners.


Previous productions include the documentary feature RED LIGHT SOLO and the short films BRIGHT EYES and THE BULL AND THE BEAR.


Skint's upcoming movie is the British music drama KID, slated for a 2025 release.


Ryan J. Smith talking to Film Threat about the company and the movies LOTTERY and TALKING TO GHOSTS.

Ryan J. Smith and music producer Alisdair Pickering talking on the radio about the filmmaking process and the movie TALKING TO GHOSTS.

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